EYE European Emerging Bands Contest

The European Parliament and Jeunesses Musicales International are inviting all European emerging bands to enter the contest and have the chance to perform at the European Youth Event (EYE2023) on 9-10 June in Strasbourg, France!

The European Youth Event (EYE) will bring together at the European Parliament thousands of young people from all over the European Union and beyond, to shape and share their ideas on the future of Europe.

Who can apply?
Bands with a maximum of 6 members from:
– European Union member countries;
– EU candidate countries and former member countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom;
– EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Band members may not be over 30 years of age and should play a genre that is accessible to a wide variety of people.

How to apply
Applicants should apply online via Mubazar.com.
Each band should submit at least 2 and maximum 5 original songs in a video (Youtube or Vimeo) or audio (.mp3) format. 

A preliminary eligibility screening and preselection will be carried out by the EP and JMI technical jury. 
Up to 30 shortlisted entries will be evaluated by a Youth Jury of under-30 musicians and youth & music experts.

Each winner will selected win an all expenses paid trip (transportation in Strasbourg, accommodation and food from the 8th to the 11th of June) to perform (30 minutes) in front of thousands of young Europeans from across the continent.
Winners will also receive a cash prize of 800€ per band (max. 300€ per musician).
There will be a slot reserved for 1 band/act from Ukraine, in support of young talents from the region currently being disrupted by war and conflict
Coaching sessions with professionals (before and after the event).
Winners will be informed by 20 April 2023 by email and/or by telephone.

Deadline: 10 April 2023, midnight CEST.

Find out more here.

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