National Youth Assembly of Ireland

Call for Nominations 2023

The National Youth Assembly of Ireland is a consultative forum for young people between the ages of 12 – 24 years. It is one of a number of youth participative structures in Ireland to ensure the voice of children and young people are heard by government and decision- makers.

What is involved?

60 successful candidates will become part of the National Youth Assembly of Ireland as sitting delegates. As delegates, young people can have their voice heard and make recommendations directly to Government, meet policy makers and sit on other forums and groups. Delegates are supported by staff to engage as fully as possible in all aspects of the Assembly.

What do you need to do next?

Reach out to your Youth Organisation/ Comhairle na nOg/ Organisation and ask them to consider putting you forward as a nomination. If you do not belong to an organisation but would like to put your name forward, please contact us for guidance.

More information on the National Youth Assembly of Ireland

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