Time to Move 2023!

The Time to Move (TTM) campaign is a collection of online and physical events organised every October by the Eurodesk network all over Europe. Our goal is simple: to connect with the European youth, and let them know about all the opportunities available for them to go abroad and experience learning mobility!

Whether you are looking for personalised information for your mobility project, or you just want to take part in activities and make new friends, check out our interactive map and join us for some fun!

The focus of the TTM campaign for Eurodesk Ireland is the European Elections 2024 – in the context of:

1. Active citizenship through understanding of European values and participation in the elections

2. European Year of Skills – skills development through participation in the elections

3. Promotion of EU opportunities – incl. green mobility and DiscoverEU 2.

4. Promotion of Eurodesk.

There are many useful resources and activities, including ‘Take part in the Social Media Challenge!’ or play an ‘online escape’ game.

Check the updates on the eurodesk.ie website at the beginning of October!

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