Europe Day 9 May 2023

#EuropeDay – Stay tuned for updates about the events in 2023. Europe Day commemorates the signing of the ‘Schuman Declaration’ on 9 May 1950. An ambitious plan to secure long-term peace in post-war Europe that is considered the beginning of what is now the European Union. The importance of working for peace in Europe is all the […]

Young Audiences Music Awards (YAMA)

The Young Audiences Music Awards (YAMA) is an award launched by Jeunesses Musicales International to honour creativity and innovation in the field of musical productions for young audiences, from all corners of the world, created by community groups, schools, NGOs, companies, bands and ensembles of all forms, from solo artist to orchestra. Entries are unique […]

Léargas Gathering 2023 – Skills for Life

The annual Léargas Gathering is back on 27 April 2023 and celebrates Skills for Life to mark tinYear of Skills. One of the year’s aims includes creating a fresh focus on lifelong learning, while promoting the mindset of skills development, reskilling, upskilling. The Léargas Gathering will showcase examples of how European Programmes, like Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps, e-Twinning, EPALE and Youth Wiki, help […]

EYE European Emerging Bands Contest

The European Parliament and Jeunesses Musicales International are inviting all European emerging bands to enter the contest and have the chance to perform at the European Youth Event (EYE2023) on 9-10 June in Strasbourg, France! The European Youth Event (EYE) will bring together at the European Parliament thousands of young people from all over the European […]

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