Successful DiscoverEU travel pass holders announced!

Young people have been awarded their travel passes to participate in DiscoverEU this summer.

Important!!! If you have won a DiscoverEU travel pass, do not book your flight – the European Commission will be in contact to arrange flight details!!!

Young people living on islands can also avail of free return flights to and from their island. Young people from Ireland who won the DiscoverEU travel passes, are reminded not to book their own flights as the European Commission will be in contact to arrange flight details.

Once accepted, young people will receive an email asking them to outline their travel plans (this email may end up in your spam folder so please check it!). The Commission will book their flights within three months of their departure

Young people will also be invited to attend a pre-departure meeting by Léargas, the Irish National Agency. This will allow them a chance to network and prepare for their travels. 

For more information or questions, do not hesitate to contact the DiscoverEU Officer, Amy McAuley at  

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